Paper Dress

Paper Dress



        1. Dress skirt: Lay two decorative papers side by side lengthwise, and adhere on one edge to create one wide panel of paper. Fold the entire panel in a box pleat pattern (shown) or accordion pattern if desired. Turn panel over, and cinch at the top to create a waist, adhering with a strip of tape (masking tape or packaging tape works best).
        2. Dress bodice: Measure waist of dress skirt and fold another sheet of decorative paper to match the width of the waist. Trim top to create neckline and arm holes. Turn bodice over and adhere to the dress skirt on the back using masking tape or packing tape.
        3. Dress waist band: Cut a width of paper 4″ wider than the waist of the dress and 6″ high. Accordion fold across to create a cumberbun piece. Wrap the cumberbun waist piece around the waist in the front and fold and adhere on the back of the dress.
        4. Dress straps: Fold decorative paper into 1″ wide strips measuring 14″ in length. Staple or tape the straps onto the dress bodice in the front and back, folding over to create an open strap that can be hung on a hanger.
        5. Decorative trim for waist, front & collar: Cut 1 1/2″ strips of paper and accordion fold. Staple or tape the decorative trim as desired on the collar, waist and front of dress.
        6. Hang on a hanger for display and enjoy!

