October is a month for turning the page: we let go of summer, embrace sweater-weather and snuggle up indoors. The snuggling up part is always better when done with a book! We might be staying home, but we can still explore other worlds.

This month, the podcast that is helping us navigate these literary journeys is Poured Over. This is a show for readers who pore over details, obsess over sentences, ideas, stories and characters. Follow for surprising riffs, candid conversations, a few laughs, and more from big name authors and those on their way to being big names. New episodes post 2 – 3 times a week.

What we are looking forward to this month:

All This Could Be Different by Sarah Thankam Mathews

In this book, we meet Sneha, who is embarking on a new chapter in her life.  We are completely drawn in by the rhythm of the writing, the anticipation and energy that accompany a coming-of-age story, and the moving telling of an immigrant’s journey.  Listen in to meet this young author and learn more about the writing of her debut novel.  Pairs well with a diy tea latte and your favorite pair of sweatpants.

Inciting Joy: Essays by Ross Gay

Ross Gay’s recent work, The Book of Delights, taught us how to observe and appreciate the often overlooked details in our everyday.  Now we are looking forward to how we will learn to experience joy more deeply with this next book, Inciting Joy.  Listen in to find new perspective and discover how curiosity can lead you to the unexpected.   Pairs well with a journal and self-reflection.

Recent Favorite from the archives:

Ada Limon,  The Hurting Kind

This collection comes from the current, and first Latina, Poet Laureate of the United States.  Half of its poems were written during the pandemic and on the pages you will find the quiet that can come from reconnecting with the natural world.  Listen to this conversation to understand the “isness” of poetry, appreciate Limon’s skill for imbuing a kinesthetic energy into her words and see how assembling individual poems into a collection is like returning stones into the river to get their colors back.  Pairs well with aromatherapy and gazing out the window.

Find your favorite episodes here.





