Paper Source Coupon Codes & Discounts

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Featured Savings

Evergreen Deals & Details

Free Standard Shipping on Orders $50+

Receive free standard shipping on orders $50+. Shipping offer valid within the contiguous United States. Shipping thresholds are calculated after other discounts have been taken. Purchase of gift cards do not qualify toward free shipping thresholds. Offer applies to online purchases only and excludes brands and products sold only in stores. Excludes shipping to the non-contiguous United States, multiple addresses, other shipping methods and international orders. Other exclusions may apply.

In-Store Offers

Double Stamps Membership Offer – Kit of the Month

At Paper Source Stores February 1, 2025, through February 28, 2025, at close of business, Premium and Rewards Members can earn two (2) stamps for every $10 spent on purchases of eligible items made in Stores in a single transaction after all discounts (except rewards) are taken. Eligible items include the Spring Big Blooms Craft Kit.

This offer (i) is not eligible on the following items excluded from the earning of stamps: Premium Membership fees (new or renewal); Gift Cards; electronic Gift Cards; Digital Newsstand subscriptions; Digital Audiobook subscriptions; Digital Audiobooks purchased with credits; hardware and electronics (other than NOOK devices); B&N Kitchen items; textbook purchases on from third parties; gift-wrapping at; shipping; other fees; and taxes; (ii) is not redeemable for cash or cash equivalents (including Gift Cards and eGift Cards); (iii) may not be combined with any other coupon or discount except the Premium Member Everyday discount or rewards unless otherwise stated; and (iv) is not valid at, any Cafés owned or operated by Starbucks® Coffee, or at any Barnes & Noble College bookstores or websites.

Barnes & Noble and Paper Source are not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. This offer is subject to change or discontinuation without notice; we will, however, honor properly placed orders with valid methods of payment with sufficient funds placed prior to such change or discontinuation. Void where prohibited by law.

For ship-to-home orders placed at Paper Source Stores, stamps are issued to the Member’s account at the time of purchase. Double stamps will be issued if the order is placed during the stated offer period.

Stamps will be deducted from a Membership account when a product that earned stamps is returned. The Paper Source Returns Policy applies to all returns of purchases at Paper Source stores.

50% Off 2025 Planners & Calendars

This offer is valid at Paper Source stores from 02/3/25 to 2/20/25 at close of business, while supplies last.

Select planners and calendars are available for discount at 50% off while supplies last.

Additional Rules Governing this Offer: This offer is (i) not redeemable for cash or cash equivalents (including Gift Cards and eGift Cards); (ii) not valid on past or pre-ordered purchases; (iii) not eligible for purchases of the following products and services: Paper Source Memberships, Gift Cards, eGift Cards, gift-wrapping, textbooks, print on demand products, digital content; (iv) not valid on products marked as not eligible for "coupons or promotional discounts"; (v) not valid on applicable sales tax, or shipping or handling expenses; (vi) not valid on purchases made from third parties accessible from the website; (vii) may not be combined with any coupon or discount promotion. Returns or cancellations may result in forfeiture of discounts applied at the time an order is placed and you will be responsible to pay any such adjustments; we reserve the right to charge your credit card or debit your Gift Card in the amount of such adjustments. This offer is subject to change or discontinuation without notice; we will, however, honor properly placed orders with valid methods of payment with sufficient funds placed prior to such change or discontinuation. Paper Source is not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. Void where prohibited by law.

Sign Up for Membership to Earn Rewards & Save 10%

Receive 10% off almost everything in Paper Source and Barnes & Noble stores, collect stamps to earn rewards and even more benefits. Learn More about Membership here.

Paper Source reserves the right to modify or cancel any of these offers at any time. Online sales and promotions may differ from those offered in stores.